Saturday, June 7, 2008

Week Two

You know when they tell you that something is going to be really difficult, but you don't really believe them? Somewhere deep down you think "Oh it may be difficult for a lot of people, but not for me" and then list, to yourself, why you are more qualified than many of those who have tried before and found it difficult. Well, this was my reaction when they told me that grad school was going to be hard.
Unfortunately, they were right. This week I left my house at 7:30 every morning and did not return home until at least 9:00 pm. I am in class from 8-12, break for lunch, more class till 2:30, go to the library to study till 6ish, eat, then go back to school and study in the lab till 9 or later. Occasionally, a study break turns into a 30 min cardio work out, but mostly I spend my days trying to take in as much information as is humanly possible. I think I have studied more this week than I did for finals this past semester... and our first test in not until next Thursday. I had no idea that there was going to be this much information, in this detail, but there is. And if I am honest with myself, I really kinda love it.

On a lighter note, I have put together a list in random order of the highlights of my week: 
Realizing that I have logged more hours at school than I have in my apartment.
Using a bone saw to remove a clavicle from my cadaver.
Being chased down the sidewalk by a territorial chipmunk.
Making new friends/study buddies.
Experiencing a Lubbock dust storm (the sky turns red).
Buying a Little Caesar's pizza just for me.
Not dressing up or showering before class, any day this week.
Getting a TTUHSC sticker for my car and picking up my Tech ID.
Seeing jackrabbits being chased by a dog and out running it. 
Phone calls from friends and family.

Well, I am off to the Land of Study.


jessandkyle said...

the Little Caesar's thing makes me sad....i miss our runs there.

Anonymous said...

you're a better woman than i. land of studying...that's a scary place for me.

Anonymous said...

by the way-scott is my dad. i'm not sure why it says he said it. he didn't.

Anonymous said...

by the way - this is begin.