Monday, May 26, 2008

Life in the South Plains

After almost a week in transition, I finally feel settled. You should have seen the drive out here... I have never felt like I was much of a city girl until I saw what the boonies actually looks like. You can drive for almost an hour and the only sign of civilization is the telephone poles along the side of the road promising that there really are people out there. And when you reach the "city" population of 257, you wonder how in the world people live their whole lives in such small worlds. 
I am extremely pleased to report that Lubbock is the light at the end of that long drive, it is a bit of an oasis in the middle of West Texas. The most restaurants per capita in the US I have been told, which is great news because I love to eat. Everything is very spread out and the city's streets are laid out on a grid, which makes it almost impossible to get lost. 
My parents have both gone back to McKinney and I am living life by myself. It is strange not to have roommates, but my apartment has furniture and things on the walls that make it more home-y. I find myself feeling surprising comfortable in my new surroundings and really enjoying the solitude. I feel like I have accomplished something, although I have yet to really experience anything related to my graduate program. 
Tomorrow I venture into the intimidating world of graduate school. I will be honest, I am terrified that I will be the only one who has no idea what is going on, but rational thinking tells me that everyone else is in the same boat. Right?

1 comment:

jessandkyle said...

Hope all is well in the land of lubbock!! Good luck at your new school!